Wednesday, August 15, 2012

North Cape

Yesterday we went to go look at a house in Enmore, which is up toward the north end of the island.  The house didn’t pan out but it was a nice day so we decided to go to the very end of the island.

We reached the top of the island called North Cape.  It is there that they have the Wind Energy Institute of Canada.  There were so many wind mills turning in the wind.  There was a bit of a marine fog lingering high in the air.  It made for a very cool image of the large blades turning but then disappearing in the fog only to reappear moments later.  It was like, now you see me, now you don’t.

We took the dogs for a walk and found ourselves at the very tip of the island.  There was a path leading down to the waters edge so we went down it.  It was so cool.  The walls of the cliffs were made up of several layers of rock and dirt and the color was so red! Looking out over the water we could see a lot of activity. We saw several fishing boats coming and going and small speed boats racing through the waves.  The tide was starting to come in so we thought we better make it back up the path before we were treading water.  By the time we made it back to the car, our little white dogs were little red dogs from walking in the red dirt.

Once we got back to the car we turned the air conditioning on then went and parked away from the parking lot.  I had packed a picnic lunch and we ate it over looking the water.  It was really nice.  After lunch we slowly drove back taking the scenic route along the coastal shoreline.  As we drove back we noticed that we were the only vehicle on the road.  I think we saw only 3 cars during the whole trip back until we got onto the main highway.  That is one of the things we love about PEI … there are no traffic jams!

Even though we started the day going to look at a house that didn’t work out, it turned into one of the nicest day driving and exploring the island.

Jasper & Bailey in their car seats

North Cape

Information on Wind Energy

Wind Energy Institute of Canada

Wind Mills

Marine Fog hiding the blades

Lighthouse at North Cape

The tip of PEI

Path leading to the water

Red Cliffs of PEI

Walking with the dogs in front of the cliffs

Watching the boats in the water

Ron against the red cliffs

Tide coming in

1 comment:

  1. What's the story behind #15 pic...? Looks like someone built something similar to an inukshuk on the face cliff... was that you...?
