Saturday, February 9, 2013

Winter Storm Hits!

Where's the road ... or the water??
Well, they said it was coming … and they weren’t kidding!!  There was talk all over town of the big storm that was going to hit PEI. 

I was getting my hair cut yesterday and the hot topic of the day was the weather.  They were saying that it was going to be the biggest storm they have had in years!  Then I went to the hardware store and they were talking about it too.  I thought I better get some extra milk in case I couldn’t make it out for a few days, and everyone was talking about weather in the grocery store as well.  I started to get a little worried!  This was going to happen!!

There was a big range as to how much snow they predicted we were going to get.  Some said 25 cm and others were saying up to 40 cm, it all depended on who you talked to.  Along with the snow we were to expect high winds as well.  It was hard for me to imagine all of this, as we had a beautiful day with the sun shining and clear blue skies.  With what everyone was saying, in just a few hours all of this was going to change … big time!

Last night I went to bed around midnight.  I let Bailey out for his final piddle for the night and I checked for falling snow.  Nothing!  I was starting to think that this big storm everyone had talked about was going to miss us completely.  I felt quite alright with those thoughts and headed to bed.

This morning I awoke to what sounded like little pebbles hitting the window.  I got up and looked out the window only to find a blinding snow storm!  There was so much snow flying around that I couldn’t even see the road in front of the house!  White out conditions took on a whole new meaning to me.  At times we couldn’t see the house next door.  The wind was so strong that at one point Ron clocked the wind at 81 kms on his weather station!  It was wild.  I started to hear the voices of my family and friends who had asked me “why do you want to move to PEI?  The winters are horrible!” start to ring in my head.  Looking outside I saw a pure white canvas that used to be my beautiful view and I had to ask myself … why DID I move out here?

Bailey got up and sauntered over to the front door to be let out for his morning piddle.  We put his coat on and sent him out to do his business.  He stood on the porch for a few seconds with the wind and snow blowing in his face and thought to himself “no way … I can hold it! Let me back in … NOW!”  I let him back in but knew he had to go and try again.  As luck would have it, we had just received a parcel from my cousin earlier in the week.  She had knitted all of us scarves for the winter, including Bailey.  We wrapped the scarf around Bailey’s head and made sure his ears were covered from the wind.  Then we sent him out with strict orders to do his business.  Worked like a charm.  He went out … did his thing … then raced back to the front door faster than lightening!

Throughout the day the wind howled and the snow flew around, creating 4 and 5 ft snow drifts around the property.  I thought for sure that it would let up at some point during the day, but no, it has continued and will continue, according to the weather man, until at least tomorrow.  I wonder what I will wake up to tomorrow?

The news reports on the radio had everything in PEI shut down for the day.  All the restaurants, grocery stores, businesses and even the liquor stores were shut.  The police were telling people not to be on the roads because it was not safe due to white out conditions.  It was like they put a big closed sign on PEI. 

But for those who are concerned for our safety, let me put your minds at ease.  We have plenty of food and water in the house and if our power goes out, as many areas have, we have a full tank of propane to heat the fireplace and keep us warm.  So we will be fine.

This is my first East Coast winter storm.  I have never experienced anything like this before.  It’s been a little scary to hear the wind blow as hard as it has, as well as a little exciting.  But as we like to say … this is just another adventure for us! J

All bundled up and ready to go out

What happened to our beautiful view?

I guess this is winter on the East Coast!!

Went to go out the side door ... but it was blocked.

Snow blew so hard it got stuck in the windows

Yes ... this is winter!!

This is what you called being "Snowed In"?

If you can't go out in this weather ... then bake cookies!

1 comment:

  1. Yup.. welcome to winter on the East Coast.. the only place that gets hid harder and more often is the Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland.. southeast corner.. they get hit with every mess going.. Stay warm.. and dream of a warm winter next winter.. and then imagine having a nice glass of wine under the palm trees.. and chatting with us next to you lol.. I hate winter..
