Monday, July 9, 2012

Night Driving ... Not Recommended!

We left Fargo North Dakota and headed east to our next destination, Walmart in Ashland Wisconsin.  We arrived at the Walmart with 2 other motor homes right behind us.  We found a good spot and slid out our slides and settled in for the night. While making dinner, Ron went to check out the car and came across the other travelers, who parked right behind us.  They quickly pointed out to Ron that we are not allowed to stay over night at this Walmart, as there were signs posted about the parking lot.  They said that they were going to stay anyways, but Ron was not comfortable with that.  So after dinner we packed up, slid in, and headed out, to what would have been our next days destination, Marquette, Michigan.
Now I would not recommend making this trip at this time of night but Ron did not want to take the chance that someone would come knocking on our door in the middle of the night to tell us to we would have to move on.   

It was still daylight but we had a good 4 or 5 hour drive ahead of us.  After the first hour or two it started to get dusk.  Ron told me to stay awake in case there was any wild life on the road.  I sat up and paid close attention to the road from that point on.  Sure enough we started to see the odd deer by the side of the road.  Then we noticed that there must have been a family reunion, because there were dozens and dozens of deer on both sides of the road for miles and miles.  I was constantly saying “Deer on left” Deer on Right” … and then there was “Deer on Road, Deer on Road!!”  It was getting quite tense.  But we did alright.  We didn’t hit any deer … and we only ran over one dead animal on the road.  I was worried it was a skunk (we’ve done that in the past … not nice!!) but I think it was a porcupine … because it didn’t stink afterwards.  It did, however, make a mess of my car we were towing, with all the splatter it created.

We rolled into Marquette around midnight, glad that the trip was over.  We have stayed at this Walmart many times.  They must have known we were coming because our favorite place to park was still available.  I guess we have a permanent reserve sign on it. Lol

We are taking a day of rest today.  After last nights drive, I think we all need it … including the dogs.  Today we plan to go to the beach.  There is a nice sandy beach on the lake about 10 minutes down the road from where we are parked.  It’s another beautiful day with the temperature at 22C in the shade.  Perfect weather!


  1. Hi Shirley, great job on your blog! I love traveling vicariously. Its not as much fun as actually doing the traveling, but it is a lot cheaper. And there is comfort in knowing that someone is having grand adventures, even if you are not! Still at work myself, but I hope to be done by the end of the week. It's hot here, but you won't catch me complaining about the heat after that frosty wet June we had. loved your deer ont the left, deer on the right part of the story. That's a drive that will stick in your memory for a long time! Cheers, Cathy

    1. Hi Cathy, glad to hear that you are reading my blog. Yes the deer story was a bit scary at times but it is just another adventure for us! Today's drive through Montreal was no picnic either. Read what happened today!! Hope you have a wonderful summer! Keep in touch! Shirley
