Sunday, July 28, 2013

A Good Week!

It has been a really good week for us … or should I say mostly good for me!  J Since we moved into the house last November, we have slowly been upgrading the appliances from white to stainless steel.  In January we replaced the fridge and this last month we have replaced the dishwasher, the stove and yesterday we ordered our new washer and dryer.  I know … I am spoiled.  My husband has a saying that I truly believe EVERY husband should live by … “Happy wife … Happy life!”  I am so lucky to have married such a wonderful, smart, and generous husband.  J

This week we finally got around to buying some bird feed and hanging the bird feeder out in the front yard.  Today we saw some bright yellow finches perched at the trough eating the seeds.  At first there was just one yellow finch, then another one came along.  But when a little brown bird tried to come and eat, the yellow birds chased him away as if to say … “Go find your own restaurant … this one is ours!”  It was fun to watch them as they sat there picking away at the seeds but at the same time they were keeping a keen watch for intruders.

Today, as I did my daily check on my garden, I noticed that my peas were quite plentiful.  I decided today was the day we get to eat something from the garden.  I got a bucket and started picking the peas that looked the plumpest.  There were a lot of them.  As I checked out the rest of the garden, I noticed that the green beans weren’t getting very tall.  I couldn't see any green beans at first, but then my hand accidently moved some leaves and I saw that the green beans were hiding underneath the leaves!  They had grown to about 6 inches and were in bunches.  I was really excited about this and have decided that tomorrow night for dinner we will be having green beans!  I can’t wait until the beets and carrots are ready to serve up on a plate!  I did pull a carrot out of the ground today just to see how big they are getting.  It looked like a little skinny baby carrot.  I washed it off and ate it.  It was really good.

I brought the peas in and removed them from their pods.  I had picked 45 pea pods.  After I had opened all the pods and removed the peas it was just barely enough for the two of us.  I kept thinking about the bags of frozen peas that I usually buy and wondered how many pea pods it must have taken to fill the bag!

Ron put some pork chops on the BBQ and I cooked the peas and some scalloped potatoes to go with it.  I actually had to look up in the cook book as to how to cook fresh peas.   I don’t think I have ever cooked fresh peas before.  When we sat down to eat, the first thing Ron and I tried were the peas.  They were so good!  Ron immediately said, “You can sure tell that these are fresh!  They taste sweet and are so good!  I can’t wait to try the green beans tomorrow night!”

Being able to eat something from the garden was a great way to end the week.  I still have a lot to learn about gardening … and the spacing of plants … but I have all the time in the world to figure it out.  Live and learn as they say.  Next year I will know what to do, and more importantly … what NOT to do when planting a garden.  J

I hope everyone is enjoying the summer as much as we are.  We are really loving retirement and living in PEI.  It’s a great place to sit back, relax and enjoy life.

I now know NOT to plant corn too close to other plants.
It's only half grown and it's already crowding the other plants!

I planted the tomato plants too close to the peas.  Live and learn.

My tomatoes are growing!

Lots of peas on the vines

My green beans were hiding from me!

I think it's a little crowded but at least they are growing!

My spinach and extra carrots and beets

Picking peas for dinner

There are lots to pick

My bucket of peas

I think they are a good size

It's a lot of work for a few little peas.  But it's fun!

Our first vegetable picked from the garden

Yellow finch guarding the food

His friends are joining him for bite to eat

My new stove.  I waited 6 months for this but it was worth it!

I love my new stove!!

Happy Birthday Bailey!  You are 6 years old today!!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Exploring Nova Scotia

This past weekend we went to Nova Scotia.  Ron has an old army buddy who lives there and he and his wife invited us to stay at their place. 

It was perfect weather for driving to Nova Scotia.  We had beautiful sunny blue skies but not too hot for driving.  It felt good to have a little get away in the moho.  It had been a year since we have travelled anywhere in the moho.

We arrived at Kevin and Penny’s house late in the afternoon.  Once we got the moho parked and set up, we sat and relaxed for a bit on their beautiful deck.  They have 2 levels on their deck.  The upper portion of the deck is partially covered has grape vines growing up and above giving you plenty of shade to keep you cool.  The lower deck is more open with a large pond in the middle of the deck.  It is home to several large fish, lily pads and a couple of very friendly frogs who like to jump on the deck to get fed worms.  They were really fun to watch.

The next day Kevin took Ron and myself for a drive to explore Nova Scotia.  I had never been in that part of Nova Scotia before.  I found the drive most interesting.  Kevin was a great tour guide, explaining what everything was as we drove around the island.  He took us to Margaretville where we stopped and went through a local art gallery.  Actually it was more of a shack than a gallery, but the paintings and art work were really nice.  We then went out onto the wharf.  The tide was out but you could see how high the water rises when the tides come in.  It was very cool. 

We drove around for hours while Kevin pointed out little bits of history along the way.  The last stop we went to was particularly interesting to Ron.  It was the Canadian Forces Base in Cornwallis where Ron took his basic training when he joined the military.  He hadn’t been back there in 35 years!  It brought back a lot of memories for him.  We also discovered that Kevin and Ron did their basic training at the same time at the same base but they never knew each other.  They were in different platoons and I guess they didn’t mingle platoons back then.  They lived only a few buildings apart from one another too.  I thought that was strange that they never met back then, but later in life they worked together and are now friends.  It was really cool listening to Kevin and Ron talk about … “I remember that building over there” or “I remember so and so”.   It was fun listening to them reminisce about their basic training days.  Now they use the base for cadets. There were some cadets training in the parade square when we were there.  Thanks Kevin!  It was a great tour!

The following day Kevin offered to take us for another tour around the island.  I decided to stay home with Penny as she wasn’t feeling well enough to go the day before or today.  So Ron and Kevin took off for a few hours while Penny and I had a chance to visit.  Kevin took Ron up to a look out point where he was able to see the whole valley and the Bay of Fundy.  Ron took lots of photos so he could share them with me upon his return.

On Sunday, Kevin took Ron “off roading” in his new ATV.  I was a little nervous about Ron going because I had seen some Youtube videos of rides that had gone bad.  I was hoping that Kevin wasn’t one of those dare devils that like to go vertically up a mountain!  He assured me that he would bring Ron home safe and sound and in one piece.  I must admit … they did look cute in their helmets.  J

It was so nice to get away for a few days.  The weather was warm (but not too hot), I got to see parts of Nova Scotia I’ve never seen before and the company was great.  Thanks Kevin and Penny for your hospitality.  It was fun!

Leaving PEI on the Confederation Bridge

Heading for New Brunswick

At a rest stop we saw a moho from Germany

The town of Amherst

Sitting on the upper deck at Kevin & Penny's

They have friendly squirrels

The Art Gallery in Margaretville

Tides out in Margaretville

This is a different version of Bailey on the Rocks

You can see how high the water can be when the tide comes in

Old Army Barracks in Cornwallis

Someone important on the Base must live in that house!

Prepping the cannon on the Parade Square

Pond in the middle of the deck.  Very cool.

Frog looking for his dinner.  A nice worm please!

Two frogs ... best buddies!

Didn't anyone tell them the tides out?

Beautiful view of the Bay of Fundy off  Look Out Point.

View overlooking the valley and the Bay of Fundy

Ron is ready to go!

Looks like they are off to have fun!

Back home again.  Full moon over Long River.
Nice View from our house!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Miracles Do Happen!

I mentioned a while back that I thought I would give gardening a try.  After all … I have the time for it!  I was quite excited about doing a garden this year, although to be honest, I wasn’t giving it much hope.  You see … I have a black thumb instead of a green thumb … or so I thought!

I really have no idea what I am doing when it comes to planting a garden but I am finding out (for next year) what NOT to do.   Apparently things like tomato plants need room to grow and spread.  Not knowing this, I planted 6 tomato plants in a row about 3 to 4 inches apart.  When I went to the plant store to get tomato cages, I noticed that the cages were really big at the top.  I had heard that tomato plants need to have a cage around it for support but I also knew there was no way I would be able to get 6 cages around the closely planted plants.  I asked the lady if there were smaller cages because these wouldn’t fit the area I had planted.  When I described how I had planted the tomatoes in a row, you should have seen the shocked look on her face!  I knew instantly I had made a gardening boo boo.  She suggested that I replant some of the plants.  She told me to take every second plant and move it somewhere else.  We had a good laugh and I quickly explained that I knew nothing about gardening.  I got the feeling that she agreed with me.

I must admit, it has been a lot of fun watching the garden grow.  Every day I go out in the morning with my watering can and give the plants a drink.  I say “Good morning my little darlings.  Are you going to grow for me today?”  I heard that it was good if you talk to the plants.  Just make sure nobody is around you when you do it, or they might think you’re crazy.  But it must be working because my garden is growing!  J

I’ve taken some photos of the garden and when I looked at them, I realized that they were taken one week apart.  I couldn’t believe the difference a week makes!  It won’t be long before we get to actually eat something from the garden.  I’ve planted tomatoes (of course), peas, green beans, iceberg lettuce, carrots, beets, cucumbers, corn on the cob, and last week I planted spinach that my niece from Holland sent me.  Would you believe it … the spinach is up already!!  Either the soil in PEI is amazing or I’ve developed a green thumb!  Thinking about it … I’m sure it’s the soil.  J

So here is my question for the readers of this blog, whom I’m sure garden more than I.  How do I know when things like beets and carrots, (that grow underground) are ready to be picked?  I would hate to waste any food by picking something too early.  I think I can figure out things like peas, green beans and corn because you can actually see them but the other items are a mystery to me.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

This photo was taken June 30th.
It has lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes and peas along the back.

This photo was taken on July 8th. One week later.
It has lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes and peas along the back.

This photo was taken July 14th.
It has lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes and peas along the back.

This photo was taken on June 30th.
It has corn, beets, carrots and green beans along the back.

This photo was taken on July 8th.
It has corn, beets, carrots and green beans along the back.

This photo was taken on July 14th.
It has corn, beets, carrots and green beans along the back.

I can't get over that they are doing so well.
It must be my morning chats with them.

One week after I planted the spinach and it is already starting to come up!

I give them a healthy drink of water.

The green beans have pretty purple flowers growing.

I know .... I'm a happy gardener!

I also planted these for the deck.

Aren't they pretty?